Currency of French overseas departments and territories: CFP franc, today's rate Fr

French overseas departments and territories

The CFP Franc is the currency used in the following 3 countries: French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna. The code of CFP franc is XPF. We use Fr as symbol of CFP franc. The CFP Franc is divided in 100 centimes. XPF is regulated by Institut d’émission d’Outre-Mer (IEOM).

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XPF: the franc of the Pacific

Similar to the CFA, the franc of the Pacific has been listed as the sole currency since 2002. Therefore, it benefits from the same effects (or not).

You can find the CFP France in the French Overseas Collectivities (formerly known as the TOM, or Overseas Territories), including New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna. Coins are specific to the territory where they are circulated. On Polynesian coins, you can find references to Polynesian flora and coastal landscapes. As for the New Caledonian coins, images of the local fauna can be found.

However, banknotes are common to all the various collectivities. On the front, you can find references to Polynesia: typical Polynesian landscapes and figureheads. On the back, references are to New Caledonia. The 500-CFP franc banknote represents a fisherman with a coastal landscape in the background. The 1000-france banknote features a typical village, the 5000-franc banknote has the French navigators who discovered each of the islands, and the 10,000-franc banknote has the profiles of a Polynesian woman decorated with flowers on the front, and a Kanak woman on the back.

Exchange rate of CFP franc , currency of French overseas departments and territories

XPF/currency Converter
1 XPF = 1.0801 VUV
1 XPF = 0.0071 GBP
1 XPF = 0.0084 EUR
1 XPF = 0.0334 AED
1 XPF = 0.0341 SAR
1 XPF = 0.0428 MYR
1 XPF = 13.5283 NGN
1 XPF = 0.0124 CAD
1 XPF = 19.0912 MMK
1 XPF = 2.7352 LKR

currency/XPF Converter
1 INR = 1.3170 XPF
1 USD = 109.9176 XPF
1 BDT = 0.9369 XPF
1 PKR = 0.3952 XPF
1 GBP = 140.0020 XPF
1 EUR = 119.3320 XPF
1 AED = 29.9258 XPF
1 SAR = 29.3030 XPF
1 MYR = 23.3494 XPF
1 NGN = 0.0739 XPF
5000 Franc CFP
Franc CFP
10000 Franc CFP
500 Franc CFP
1000 Franc CFP

Currency Of French Overseas Departments And Territories

flag XPF
  • ISO4217 : XPF
  • French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna
  • Wikipedia