Currency of Laos: Laotian kip, today's rate ₭


The Laotian Kip is the currency of Laos. The code of Laotian kip is LAK. We use as symbol of Laotian kip. The Laotian Kip is divided in 100 atts. LAK is regulated by Bank of the Lao PDR.

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Exchange rate of Laotian kip , currency of Laos

currency/LAK Converter
1 THB = 579.3712 LAK
1 USD = 21341.0807 LAK
1 INR = 255.3484 LAK
1 BDT = 194.5467 LAK
1 PKR = 76.7623 LAK
1 AED = 5811.0636 LAK
1 EUR = 22643.1000 LAK
1 MYR = 4451.1696 LAK
1 GBP = 26516.0316 LAK
1 SAR = 5689.3498 LAK

Currency Of Laos

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