Currency of Myanmar (Burma): Myanmar kyat, today's rate Ks

Myanmar (Burma)

The Myanmar Kyat is the currency of Myanmar (Burma). The code of Myanmar kyat is MMK. We use Ks as symbol of Myanmar kyat. The Myanmar Kyat is divided in 100 pya. MMK is regulated by Central Bank of Myanmar.

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Exchange rate of Myanmar kyat , currency of Myanmar (Burma)

currency/MMK Converter
1 MYR = 438.5592 MMK
1 XAU = 4969384.1945 MMK
1 USD = 2093.8931 MMK
1 THB = 57.0172 MMK
1 BDT = 19.1335 MMK
1 INR = 25.0688 MMK
1 AED = 570.1565 MMK
1 SGD = 1541.1359 MMK
1 CNY = 289.4163 MMK
1 EUR = 2235.8800 MMK
1 OMR = 5439.4753 MMK
1 NPR = 15.6871 MMK
1 GBP = 2610.5028 MMK
1 JPY = 13.5850 MMK
1 AUD = 1351.1237 MMK
1 PHP = 36.7093 MMK
1 NGN = 1.6144 MMK
1 BTC = 129016399.1183 MMK
1 NZD = 1240.7012 MMK
1 VND = 0.0824 MMK

Currency Of Myanmar (Burma)

flag MMK