Currency of Thailand: Thai baht, today's rate ฿


The Thai Baht is the currency of Thailand. The code of Thai baht is THB. We use ฿ as symbol of Thai baht. The Thai Baht is divided in 100 satang. THB is regulated by Bank of Thailand.

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The baht, the Thai currency

King Bhumibol Adulyadej leaves no room for other figureheads or any other form of honor on Thai banknotes. He has been on the job since June 9, 1946, and was crowned on May 5, 1950. The world’s oldest sovereign has had 24 prime ministers, and nothing comes before his family.

On the paper money, you can find all sides of his bust as a young monarch, and on the back, he leaves a little room for his preceding ancestors.

The same goes for the many different coins in circulation in the country: his profile is featured on all subdivisions of the baht. You can also find a few Buddhist temples, which fill the country.

Every year, Thais spend nearly 200 billion baht on gambling. They bet on just about anything: football, cockfighting, songbird-fighting; the tiny currency facilitates exchange.

The baht is divided into 100 satang.

Exchange rate of Thai baht , currency of Thailand

THB/currency Converter
1 THB = 2.2532 INR
1 THB = 2.9647 BDT
1 THB = 109.7731 KHR
1 THB = 575.8369 LAK
1 THB = 7.5179 PKR
1 THB = 4.1841 JPY
1 THB = 8.1161 LKR
1 THB = 0.0456 NZD
1 THB = 0.1958 CNY
1 THB = 0.0993 AED
1 THB = 0.0219 GBP

currency/THB Converter
1 MYR = 7.7417 THB
1 USD = 36.9900 THB
1 MMK = 0.0176 THB
1 CAD = 27.0104 THB
1 INR = 0.4438 THB
1 EUR = 39.4254 THB
1 AED = 10.0716 THB
1 SGD = 27.1725 THB
1 PHP = 0.6442 THB
1 IDR = 0.0023 THB
1 TRY = 1.1338 THB
1 NOK = 3.3674 THB
1 VND = 0.0015 THB
1 KHR = 0.0091 THB
1 SAR = 9.8615 THB
1 KRW = 0.0269 THB
1 XAU = 85124.4737 THB
1 BRL = 7.1586 THB
1 GHS = 2.7523 THB
1000 bahts thaïlandais
100 bahts thaïlandais
bahts thaïlandais
20 bahts thaïlandais
50 bahts thaïlandais

Currency Of Thailand

flag THB