Convert your income in Bernard Arnault's revenue
What represents the revenue of the 3rd (1st?) world's richest person compared to your income.
Once he has paid the 75% tax, Bernard A. takes 65 minute(s) to earn your annual salary.
For you, the tasty french bread baguette (cost USD 0.96) is equivalent for Bernard to an expense of USD 9300. despite tax.
This is 3 months of your salary.
This is 3 months of your salary.
You'll need 7777 year(s) to earn the annual salary after tax of Bernard, that bring you to the year 9790.
which is the year when your grand grand grand (278 times ) child will be born.
which is the year when your grand grand grand (278 times ) child will be born.
To have the same fortune as Bernard, you needed to start saving in 510800 before Jesus Christ (without any expense!)
This is at the time of the discovery of fire.
This is at the time of the discovery of fire.
Bernard A. earns in 3 day(s) as much as you do in your life time (45 years at work)
And every year, Bernard earns 3 times your lifetime income...
And every year, Bernard earns 3 times your lifetime income...
Since you began to read this page, Bernard made , after tax, USD 13000.
and you made USD 5 and you'll probaly need to deduce some taxes.
in 25 second(s)
and you made USD 5 and you'll probaly need to deduce some taxes.
in 25 second(s)
Go back to work.
Sources (Updated in May 2021):
- [france-inflation] Average price of French baguette is 87 euro cents
- [TradingSat] in 2019 LVMH gave a 4.6€ dividend per share, Groupe Arnault owns 47.48% (around 239.66 millions shares), that's 1.102 billion euro
- [TradingSat] in 2019 Carrefour gave 0.23€ dividend per share, Groupe Arnault owns 5.53% (around 43.334 millions shares), that's 9.97 millions euro.
- [Wikipedia] in 2020 Groupe Arnault owned 100% of Thomas Pink, french press Les Echos, Investir and Le Journal des Finances, Radio Classique, SID Editions, Connaissance des Arts, is a shareholder of Château d'Yquem (vineyard), De Beers Diamond Jewellers And Château Cheval Blanc (an other Vineyard)... But we don't have any information on the dividends
- [Le Figaro] Estimated fortune of $191 Billions in May 2021, 1st world's richest person. 1 dollar = 0.91 euro
- [CNN] In November 2019 Bernard Arnault bought Tiffany (luxury jewelry), that could make him the richest person on this planet.