ounce of gold (XAU) Romanian leu (RON) exchange rate


The ounce of gold/Romanian leu converter is provided without any warranty. Prices might differ from those given by financial institutions as banks (National Bank of Romania), brokers or money transfer companies. More information: currency converter.

Last update:

Is it the right time to change your currencies?

The best day to change ounces of gold in Romanian lei was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.

100 ounces of gold = 1 300 036.8586 Romanian lei

The worst day to change ounces of gold in Romanian lei was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.

100 ounces of gold = 913 122.7452 Romanian lei

Historical ounce of gold / Romanian leu

History of daily rates XAU /RON since Monday, 11 December 2023.

The maximum was reached on

1 ounce of gold = 13 000.3686 Romanian leu

the minimum on

1 ounce of gold = 9 131.2275 Romanian leu

Price history of RON / XAU

12 449.1541
12 523.1216
12 421.6426
12 269.0041
12 248.4454
12 521.5297
12 615.8594
12 514.3553
12 081.2032
11 986.7634
11 776.7049
11 760.9557
11 547.4372
11 299.3226
11 224.6901
11 214.3721
11 243.6646
11 264.7706
10 929.2959
10 947.4938
10 938.9054
11 044.1285
10 847.1952
10 810.6969
10 809.0621
10 754.7834
10 680.3036
10 723.0398
10 777.7395
11 112.9381
10 781.4948
10 734.5040
10 832.0141
10 900.4602
11 153.5926
10 697.4806
10 407.9786
9 966.9534
9 886.7057
9 923.3455
9 686.4102
9 306.7524
9 312.6599
9 326.2748
9 379.2869
9 331.9160
9 245.4134
9 336.6394
9 221.9821
9 296.6785
9 270.6744
9 228.0261
9 159.0315

Ounce Of Gold

flag XAU
  • ISO4217 : XAU
  • Unknown Region

Currency Of Romania

ounces of gold to Romanian lei conversion table

amount convert into Result
1 ounce of gold XAU XAU RON 12 449.15 Romanian lei RON
2 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 24 898.31 Romanian lei RON
3 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 37 347.46 Romanian lei RON
4 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 49 796.62 Romanian lei RON
5 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 62 245.77 Romanian lei RON
10 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 124 491.54 Romanian lei RON
15 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 186 737.31 Romanian lei RON
20 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 248 983.08 Romanian lei RON
25 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 311 228.85 Romanian lei RON
100 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 1 244 915.41 Romanian leu RON
500 ounces of gold XAU XAU RON 6 224 577.05 Romanian lei RON

XAU to RON conversion table