Peruvian sol (PEN) to Nicaraguan córdoba (NIO) Converter
Is it the right time to change your currencies?
The best day to change Peruvian soles in Nicaraguan córdobas was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.
100 Peruvian soles = 1 002.7031 Nicaraguan córdobas
The worst day to change Peruvian soles in Nicaraguan córdobas was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.
100 Peruvian soles = 948.6860 Nicaraguan córdobas
History of daily rates PEN /NIO since Wednesday, 17 January 2024.
The maximum was reached on
1 Peruvian sol = 10.0270 Nicaraguan córdoba
the minimum on
1 Peruvian sol = 9.4869 Nicaraguan córdoba
Date | PEN/NIO |
9.7321 | |
9.7800 | |
9.8189 | |
9.8654 | |
9.8712 | |
9.9009 | |
9.8314 | |
9.6788 | |
9.6851 | |
9.7733 | |
9.7532 | |
9.7741 | |
9.7958 | |
9.8801 | |
9.8629 | |
9.9015 | |
9.8099 | |
9.7359 | |
9.6831 | |
9.8218 | |
9.8241 | |
9.8643 | |
9.8520 | |
9.8605 | |
9.8540 | |
9.8337 | |
9.8797 | |
9.7009 | |
9.5964 | |
9.6735 | |
9.7594 | |
9.8070 | |
9.8576 | |
9.8345 | |
9.8462 | |
9.9049 | |
9.8661 | |
9.8594 | |
9.9870 | |
9.9236 | |
10.0192 | |
9.8926 | |
9.9407 | |
9.9841 | |
9.8710 | |
9.7596 | |
9.6840 | |
9.6379 | |
9.5110 | |
9.5673 | |
9.6700 | |
9.7972 |
amount | convert | into | Result |
1 Peruvian sol PEN | PEN | NIO | 9.73 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
2 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 19.47 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
3 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 29.20 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
4 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 38.93 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
5 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 48.67 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
10 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 97.33 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
15 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 146.00 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
20 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 194.67 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
25 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 243.34 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
100 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 973.34 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
500 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | NIO | 4 866.70 Nicaraguan córdobas NIO |
Major currencies
currency | ISO 4217 |
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British pound | GBP |
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Saudi riyal | SAR |
Myanmar kyat | MMK |
Malaysian ringgit | MYR |