Ounces of Copper (XCP) to Omani rial (OMR) Converter


The Ounces of Copper/Omani rial converter is provided without any warranty. Prices might differ from those given by financial institutions as banks (Central Bank of Oman), brokers or money transfer companies. More information: currency converter.

Last update:

Is it the right time to change your currencies?

The best day to change Ounces of Copper in Omani rials was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.

100 Ounces of Copper = 487 856.8322 Omani rials

The worst day to change Ounces of Copper in Omani rials was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.

100 Ounces of Copper = 468 081.3518 Omani rials

Historical Ounces of Copper / Omani rial

History of daily rates XCP /OMR since Monday, 9 October 2023.

The maximum was reached on

1 Ounces of Copper = 4 878.5683 Omani rial

the minimum on

1 Ounces of Copper = 4 680.8135 Omani rial

Price history of OMR / XCP

4 799.6731
4 843.1121
4 845.0999
4 852.8664
4 822.9511
4 826.3957
4 846.5213
4 834.1935
4 792.9119
4 799.5646
4 740.9574
4 772.0471
4 776.0203
4 746.6000
4 704.5331
4 703.4855
4 705.9808
4 717.2511
4 779.9522
4 758.8210
4 756.2827
4 738.9011
4 744.2060
4 728.2132
4 729.2051
4 711.7929
4 775.8231
4 732.5661
4 759.0001
4 771.7515
4 795.8443
4 771.7838
4 766.1830
4 758.1383
4 757.6609
4 753.2327
4 763.8307
4 774.4645
4 797.9066
4 797.8368
4 832.0471
4 807.5013
4 800.3904
4 769.0806
4 770.7042
4 790.9702
4 786.5485
4 737.5806
4 734.5511
4 712.2392
4 743.7788
4 711.4290
4 717.8007

Ounces Of Copper

Currency Of Oman

Ounces of Copper to Omani rials conversion table

amount convert into Result
1 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 4 802.25 Omani rials OMR
2 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 9 604.51 Omani rials OMR
3 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 14 406.76 Omani rials OMR
4 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 19 209.01 Omani rials OMR
5 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 24 011.26 Omani rials OMR
10 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 48 022.53 Omani rials OMR
15 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 72 033.79 Omani rials OMR
20 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 96 045.05 Omani rials OMR
25 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 120 056.32 Omani rials OMR
100 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 480 225.26 Omani rials OMR
500 Ounces of Copper XCP XCP OMR 2 401 126.30 Omani rials OMR

XCP to OMR conversion table
