Currency of Chile: Chilean peso, today's rate $


The Chilean Peso is the currency of Chile. The code of Chilean peso is CLP. We use $ as symbol of Chilean peso. The Chilean Peso is divided in 100 centavos. CLP is regulated by Central Bank of Chile.

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Exchange rate of Chilean peso , currency of Chile

currency/CLP Converter
1 BTC = 61175302.9984 CLP
1 INR = 11.3872 CLP
1 USD = 948.4939 CLP
1 BDT = 8.6448 CLP
1 PKR = 3.4066 CLP
1 AED = 258.2425 CLP
1 GBP = 1185.7266 CLP
1 EUR = 1017.0700 CLP
1 SAR = 252.8937 CLP
1 MYR = 198.4720 CLP

Currency Of Chile

flag CLP