Japanese yen (JPY) to Malaysian ringgit (MYR) Converter
Is it the right time to change your currencies?
The best day to change Japanese yen in Malaysian ringgits was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.
10000 Japanese yen = 319.983222 Malaysian ringgits
The worst day to change Japanese yen in Malaysian ringgits was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.
10000 Japanese yen = 280.563946 Malaysian ringgits
Historical Japanese yen / Malaysian ringgit
History of daily rates JPY /MYR since Sunday, 11 February 2024.
The maximum was reached on
1 Japanese yen = 0.031998 Malaysian ringgit
the minimum on
1 Japanese yen = 0.028056 Malaysian ringgit
Date | JPY/MYR |
0.028776 | |
0.028263 | |
0.028950 | |
0.028669 | |
0.028606 | |
0.028438 | |
0.028565 | |
0.028894 | |
0.029224 | |
0.029829 | |
0.028836 | |
0.028960 | |
0.028751 | |
0.028712 | |
0.028475 | |
0.028608 | |
0.028687 | |
0.028876 | |
0.028695 | |
0.029291 | |
0.030547 | |
0.030492 | |
0.029676 | |
0.030111 | |
0.029837 | |
0.030308 | |
0.030348 | |
0.030153 | |
0.029871 | |
0.029538 | |
0.029283 | |
0.029180 | |
0.029508 | |
0.029927 | |
0.030061 | |
0.030156 | |
0.029948 | |
0.029948 | |
0.030288 | |
0.030799 | |
0.030495 | |
0.030862 | |
0.030954 | |
0.031300 | |
0.031198 | |
0.031208 | |
0.031634 | |
0.031917 | |
0.031394 | |
0.031725 | |
0.031842 | |
0.031893 |
Currency Of Japan
Currency Of Malaysia
Japanese yen to Malaysian ringgits conversion table
amount | convert | into | Result |
100 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 2.94 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
200 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 5.87 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
300 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 8.81 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
400 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 11.74 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
500 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 14.68 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
1 000 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 29.35 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
1 500 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 44.03 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
2 000 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 58.70 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
2 500 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 73.38 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
10 000 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 293.50 Malaysian ringgits MYR |
50 000 Japanese yen JPY | JPY | MYR | 1 467.50 Malaysian ringgit MYR |
Major currencies
currency | ISO 4217 |
US dollar | USD |
Indian rupee | INR |
British pound | GBP |
Bangladeshi taka | BDT |
Pakistani rupee | PKR |
euro | EUR |
UAE dirham | AED |
Saudi riyal | SAR |
Canadian dollar | CAD |
Nigerian naira | NGN |