Peruvian sol (PEN) to Bolivian boliviano (BOB) Converter
Is it the right time to change your currencies?
The best day to change Peruvian soles in Bolivian bolivianos was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.
100 Peruvian soles = 188.6403 Bolivian bolivianos
The worst day to change Peruvian soles in Bolivian bolivianos was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.
100 Peruvian soles = 178.1248 Bolivian bolivianos
History of daily rates PEN /BOB since Saturday, 20 January 2024.
The maximum was reached on
1 Peruvian sol = 1.8864 Bolivian boliviano
the minimum on
1 Peruvian sol = 1.7812 Bolivian boliviano
Date | PEN/BOB |
1.8336 | |
1.8367 | |
1.8504 | |
1.8565 | |
1.8599 | |
1.8593 | |
1.8464 | |
1.8265 | |
1.8126 | |
1.8417 | |
1.8365 | |
1.8347 | |
1.8441 | |
1.8590 | |
1.8566 | |
1.8657 | |
1.8456 | |
1.8356 | |
1.8177 | |
1.8436 | |
1.8437 | |
1.8509 | |
1.8487 | |
1.8494 | |
1.8498 | |
1.8462 | |
1.8538 | |
1.8212 | |
1.8012 | |
1.8163 | |
1.8323 | |
1.8417 | |
1.8513 | |
1.8459 | |
1.8487 | |
1.8592 | |
1.8538 | |
1.8503 | |
1.8803 | |
1.8641 | |
1.8813 | |
1.8641 | |
1.8676 | |
1.8747 | |
1.8533 | |
1.8322 | |
1.8191 | |
1.8093 | |
1.7866 | |
1.8038 | |
1.8217 | |
1.8464 |
amount | convert | into | Result |
1 Peruvian sol PEN | PEN | BOB | 1.84 Bolivian boliviano BOB |
2 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 3.68 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
3 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 5.52 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
4 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 7.36 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
5 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 9.19 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
10 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 18.39 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
15 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 27.58 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
20 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 36.78 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
25 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 45.97 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
100 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 183.89 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
500 Peruvian soles PEN | PEN | BOB | 919.45 Bolivian bolivianos BOB |
Major currencies
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