Turkish lira (TRY) Seychellois rupee (SCR) exchange rate
Is it the right time to change your currencies?
The best day to change Turkish Lira in Seychellois rupees was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.
100 Turkish Lira = 45.1446 Seychellois rupees
The worst day to change Turkish Lira in Seychellois rupees was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.
100 Turkish Lira = 37.5672 Seychellois rupees
Historical Turkish lira / Seychellois rupee
History of daily rates TRY /SCR since Thursday, 15 February 2024.
The maximum was reached on
1 Turkish lira = 0.4514 Seychellois rupee
the minimum on
1 Turkish lira = 0.3757 Seychellois rupee
Date | TRY/SCR |
0.4179 | |
0.3984 | |
0.4038 | |
0.4009 | |
0.4078 | |
0.4006 | |
0.4030 | |
0.3956 | |
0.4316 | |
0.3921 | |
0.3829 | |
0.4132 | |
0.4028 | |
0.3902 | |
0.4006 | |
0.3984 | |
0.3976 | |
0.4391 | |
0.3933 | |
0.3977 | |
0.3943 | |
0.3974 | |
0.4042 | |
0.3947 | |
0.3857 | |
0.4100 | |
0.4013 | |
0.4024 | |
0.4131 | |
0.4154 | |
0.4213 | |
0.4222 | |
0.4273 | |
0.4168 | |
0.4238 | |
0.4194 | |
0.4251 | |
0.4229 | |
0.4250 | |
0.4223 | |
0.4228 | |
0.4209 | |
0.4256 | |
0.4198 | |
0.4200 | |
0.4197 | |
0.4220 | |
0.4176 | |
0.4222 | |
0.4292 | |
0.4386 | |
0.4315 |
Currency Of Turkey
Currency Of Seychelles
Turkish Lira to Seychellois rupees conversion table
amount | convert | into | Result |
1 Turkish lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 0.40 Seychellois rupee SCR |
2 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 0.80 Seychellois rupee SCR |
3 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 1.19 Seychellois rupee SCR |
4 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 1.59 Seychellois rupee SCR |
5 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 1.99 Seychellois rupee SCR |
10 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 3.98 Seychellois rupees SCR |
15 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 5.97 Seychellois rupees SCR |
20 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 7.96 Seychellois rupees SCR |
25 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 9.95 Seychellois rupees SCR |
100 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 39.79 Seychellois rupees SCR |
500 Turkish Lira TRY | TRY | SCR | 198.95 Seychellois rupees SCR |
Major currencies
currency | ISO 4217 |
US dollar | USD |
Indian rupee | INR |
British pound | GBP |
Bangladeshi taka | BDT |
Pakistani rupee | PKR |
euro | EUR |
UAE dirham | AED |
Saudi riyal | SAR |
Canadian dollar | CAD |
Malaysian ringgit | MYR |