Malaysian ringgit (MYR) Vietnamese dong (VND) exchange rate


The Malaysian ringgit/Vietnamese dong converter is provided without any warranty. Prices might differ from those given by financial institutions as banks (Central Bank of Malaysia, State Bank of Vietnam), brokers or money transfer companies. More information: currency converter.

Last update:

Is it the right time to change your currencies?

The best day to change Malaysian ringgits in Vietnamese dong was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.

100 Malaysian ringgits = 577 711.6144 Vietnamese dong

The worst day to change Malaysian ringgits in Vietnamese dong was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.

100 Malaysian ringgits = 510 416.9912 Vietnamese dong

Historical Malaysian ringgit / Vietnamese dong

History of daily rates MYR /VND since Wednesday, 20 September 2023.

The maximum was reached on

1 Malaysian ringgit = 5 777.1161 Vietnamese dong

the minimum on

1 Malaysian ringgit = 5 104.1699 Vietnamese dong

Price history of VND / MYR

5 706.3292
5 656.0659
5 711.8289
5 715.8498
5 704.9743
5 639.3182
5 671.6945
5 451.1003
5 404.4957
5 431.0357
5 396.3307
5 401.2185
5 402.3973
5 393.5812
5 385.0196
5 404.4768
5 418.7208
5 434.4531
5 378.6505
5 354.4590
5 316.2012
5 328.2210
5 278.0346
5 252.5067
5 244.6710
5 238.5268
5 240.0007
5 262.8937
5 226.1574
5 164.3306
5 127.8675
5 126.1400
5 133.2219
5 188.1382
5 197.7268
5 242.4987
5 233.9460
5 281.5928
5 234.3167
5 189.6377
5 180.3852
5 207.5450
5 174.3978
5 183.4616
5 178.6955
5 250.8828
5 158.4410
5 159.9987
5 168.2422
5 153.7005
5 163.7948
5 206.1113

Currency Of Malaysia

Currency Of Vietnam

Malaysian ringgits to Vietnamese dong conversion table

amount convert into Result
1 Malaysian ringgit MYR MYR VND 5 777.10 Vietnamese dong VND
2 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 11 554.19 Vietnamese dong VND
3 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 17 331.29 Vietnamese dong VND
4 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 23 108.39 Vietnamese dong VND
5 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 28 885.48 Vietnamese dong VND
10 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 57 770.97 Vietnamese dong VND
15 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 86 656.45 Vietnamese dong VND
20 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 115 541.93 Vietnamese dong VND
25 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 144 427.42 Vietnamese dong VND
100 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 577 709.66 Vietnamese dong VND
500 Malaysian ringgits MYR MYR VND 2 888 548.30 Vietnamese dong VND

MYR to VND conversion table
