Currency of Oman: Omani rial, today's rate ر.ع.


The Omani Rial is the currency of Oman. The code of Omani rial is OMR. We use ر.ع. as symbol of Omani rial. The Omani Rial is divided in 1000 baisa. OMR is regulated by Central Bank of Oman.

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Exchange rate of Omani rial , currency of Oman

OMR/currency Converter
1 OMR = 723.3936 PKR
1 OMR = 771.4576 LKR
1 OMR = 6729.1142 TZS
1 OMR = 345.8495 NPR
1 OMR = 3325.6445 NGN
1 OMR = 35.1301 GHS
1 OMR = 150.2738 PHP
1 OMR = 5454.6908 MMK
1 OMR = 0.0002 XCP
1 OMR = 42162.7253 IDR
1 OMR = 344.1558 KES
1 OMR = 2.4230 EUR
1 OMR = 187.3600 AFN
1 OMR = 1522.4971 SDG
1 OMR = 3.9825 AUD
1 OMR = 232600.7947 LBP
1 OMR = 12.4164 MYR
1 OMR = 2.5981 USD
1 OMR = 2.0783 GBP
1 OMR = 124.4296 EGP

Currency Of Oman

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