British pound (GBP) Myanmar kyat (MMK) exchange rate


The British pound/Myanmar kyat converter is provided without any warranty. Prices might differ from those given by financial institutions as banks (Bank of England, Central Bank of Myanmar), brokers or money transfer companies. More information: currency converter.

Last update:

Is it the right time to change your currencies?

The best day to change British pounds in Myanmar kyats was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.

100 British pounds = 419 933.5256 Myanmar kyats

The worst day to change British pounds in Myanmar kyats was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.

100 British pounds = 259 179.7317 Myanmar kyats

Historical British pound / Myanmar kyat

History of daily rates GBP /MMK since Tuesday, 12 December 2023.

The maximum was reached on

1 British pound = 4 199.3353 Myanmar kyat

the minimum on

1 British pound = 2 591.7973 Myanmar kyat

Price history of MMK / GBP

2 674.7866
2 655.7573
2 630.7281
2 660.0590
2 700.8595
2 717.8162
2 722.0739
2 723.7665
2 741.4772
2 745.1081
2 806.6058
2 800.8776
2 771.5191
2 742.2664
2 756.9917
2 767.6063
2 725.1370
2 679.3244
2 682.9251
2 697.9861
2 713.0745
2 857.5662
2 823.6186
3 138.3858
2 658.6998
2 665.1846
2 669.8109
2 688.4072
2 682.0837
2 671.6536
2 636.5933
2 638.1683
2 636.9248
2 595.6637
2 612.3872
2 650.9307
2 633.5464
2 653.1671
2 679.6393
2 692.4331
2 665.5538
2 663.0965
2 642.8713
2 651.2912
2 635.1306
2 668.5614
2 667.4664
2 667.6093
2 674.4252
2 680.3608
2 672.7500
2 656.9657

Currency Of United Kingdom

flag GBP
  • ISO4217 : GBP
  • British Indian Ocean Territory, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Guernsey, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands, Isle of Man, Jersey, Tristan da Cunha

Currency Of Myanmar (Burma)

flag MMK
  • ISO4217 : MMK
  • Myanmar (Burma)

British pounds to Myanmar kyats conversion table

amount convert into Result
1 British pound GBP GBP MMK 2 673.70 Myanmar kyats MMK
2 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 5 347.40 Myanmar kyats MMK
3 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 8 021.10 Myanmar kyats MMK
4 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 10 694.80 Myanmar kyats MMK
5 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 13 368.50 Myanmar kyats MMK
10 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 26 736.99 Myanmar kyats MMK
15 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 40 105.49 Myanmar kyats MMK
20 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 53 473.99 Myanmar kyats MMK
25 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 66 842.49 Myanmar kyats MMK
100 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 267 369.94 Myanmar kyats MMK
500 British pounds GBP GBP MMK 1 336 849.70 Myanmar kyat MMK

GBP to MMK conversion table