Currency of Myanmar (Burma): Myanmar kyat, today's rate Ks

Myanmar (Burma)

The Myanmar Kyat is the currency of Myanmar (Burma). The code of Myanmar kyat is MMK. We use Ks as symbol of Myanmar kyat. The Myanmar Kyat is divided in 100 pya. MMK is regulated by Central Bank of Myanmar.

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Exchange rate of Myanmar kyat , currency of Myanmar (Burma)

currency/MMK Converter
1 MYR = 441.3928 MMK
1 XAU = 4921846.9906 MMK
1 USD = 2105.2223 MMK
1 THB = 56.9203 MMK
1 BDT = 19.1346 MMK
1 INR = 25.2417 MMK
1 SGD = 1545.0066 MMK
1 AED = 573.1776 MMK
1 GBP = 2629.0020 MMK
1 AUD = 1375.5491 MMK
1 EUR = 2251.4300 MMK
1 NPR = 15.7521 MMK
1 CNY = 290.5517 MMK
1 OMR = 5469.4150 MMK
1 NZD = 1250.2874 MMK
1 BTC = 132472124.9743 MMK
1 VND = 0.0831 MMK
1 KWD = 6838.5754 MMK
1 PKR = 7.5661 MMK
1 KRW = 1.5276 MMK

Currency Of Myanmar (Burma)

flag MMK