euro (EUR) Vietnamese dong (VND) exchange rate

The euro/Vietnamese dong converter is provided without any warranty. Prices might differ from those given by financial institutions as banks (European Central Bank, State Bank of Vietnam), brokers or money transfer companies. More information: currency converter.

Last update:

Is it the right time to change your currencies?

The best day to change euros in Vietnamese dong was the . At that time the currency had reached its highest value.

100 euros = 2 797 850.0000 Vietnamese dong

The worst day to change euros in Vietnamese dong was the . The exchange rate had fallen to its lowest value.

100 euros = 2 570 140.0000 Vietnamese dong

Historical euro / Vietnamese dong

History of daily rates EUR /VND since Monday, 19 February 2024.

The maximum was reached on

1 euro = 27 978.5000 Vietnamese dong

the minimum on

1 euro = 25 701.4000 Vietnamese dong

Price history of VND / EUR

26 703.9000
26 164.9000
26 130.2000
26 175.1000
26 389.8000
26 070.5000
26 350.3000
26 520.7000
26 478.9000
26 709.9000
26 787.0000
26 649.0000
26 579.3000
26 927.3000
27 009.4000
27 534.7000
27 428.1000
27 367.1000
27 107.7000
27 275.5000
27 357.1000
27 352.3000
27 314.6000
27 252.0000
27 532.9000
27 774.0000
27 684.7000
27 481.3000
27 483.5000
27 358.8000
27 584.6000
27 650.0000
27 531.0000
27 331.3000
27 322.3000
27 339.2000
27 363.6000
27 746.8000
27 644.2000
27 644.9000
27 467.8000
27 332.8000
27 155.9000
27 125.6000
26 769.4000
27 114.7000
26 631.6000
26 821.1000
26 884.4000
26 942.7000
26 794.3000
26 767.5000
26 439.9000

Currency Of European Union

flag EUR
  • ISO4217 : EUR
  • Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, European Union, Finland, France, French Guiana, French Southern Territories, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal, Réunion, St. Pierre & Miquelon, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Vatican City, Åland Islands, St. Barthélemy, Ceuta & Melilla, Canary Islands, Lithuania, St. Martin, Kosovo

Currency Of Vietnam

euros to Vietnamese dong conversion table

amount convert into Result
1 euro EUR EUR VND 26 703.90 Vietnamese dong VND
2 euros EUR EUR VND 53 407.80 Vietnamese dong VND
3 euros EUR EUR VND 80 111.70 Vietnamese dong VND
4 euros EUR EUR VND 106 815.60 Vietnamese dong VND
5 euros EUR EUR VND 133 519.50 Vietnamese dong VND
10 euros EUR EUR VND 267 039.00 Vietnamese dong VND
15 euros EUR EUR VND 400 558.50 Vietnamese dong VND
20 euros EUR EUR VND 534 078.00 Vietnamese dong VND
25 euros EUR EUR VND 667 597.50 Vietnamese dong VND
100 euros EUR EUR VND 2 670 390.00 Vietnamese dong VND
500 euros EUR EUR VND 13 351 950.00 Vietnamese dong VND

EUR to VND conversion table